Attack Online នឹងរៀបចំការប្រកួតដ៏ធំមួយនៅខេត្តសៀមរៀប ដែលការប្រកួតនឹងប្រព្រឹត្តិទៅនៅឯមជ្ឈមណ្ឌលផ្សារទំនើប Angkor Trade Center នៅថ្ងៃទី២៥ – ២៦ ខែកុម្ភះខាងមុខនេះហើយ។ អ្នកដែលមានបំណងចង់ចូលរួមប្រកួតសូមទំនាក់ទំនងជាមួយតំណាងលក់ របស់ក្រុមហ៊ុន Sabay ប្រចាំនៅខេត្តសៀមរៀប រឺក៏អាចទូរសព្ទ័មកកាន់លេខ 0២៣ ២២ ៨០០០ ដើម្បីសួរពត៌មាន និងចុះឈ្មោះប្រកួត…
Get your team together now and make a battle plan for the first ever Attack Online Competition to be held at Angkor Trade Center from 25 – 26 February
Attack Online knockout tournament (16 teams, 5 players per team)
Gamers are your ready??
Then get your team setup, select a captain and register your team for the Attack Online Competition! The winning team will be rewarded 1,200,000 Real and 5000 Sabay coins!!!
Friday 25, 14:30 – 18:00 round of 16, eliminated 8 teams
Saturday 26, 10:30 -12:00, 14:00 -18:30 round of 8, 4, Final
- Map: Explosion, map select by random coin toss Head = Nile Delta and Tail = KashiCastle
- Map settings: Population = 10, Round Limit = 5; Limitation = Conventional only
- Each team will fight one round as defender and one round as attacker
- Team with the most round won plus most kills per round will advance
- Players eliminate during the round can’t talk to other team members
- Eliminated players must remain in their seat and are not allowed to physically help team members (under punishment of expulsion)
- In case of matches that are interrupted by external failure (power lost to building, or Internet connection failure) leading to the termination of more then one player per team, the match will be re-played
- team must register with Sabay reseller at Siem Riem and call to 023 22 8000 for confirming with Sabay
- team members must register account name to use during competition
- team members must be at tournament side on Friday 25th at 10am to confirm participation (team must be complete for tournament check-in)
Prices For Team
- Winning team 1,200,000 Real, 5000 Sabay Coins and 5 wall clocks
- Runner-up 800,000 Real, 2000 Sabay Coins and 5 wall clocks
- 3rd 400,000 Real, 1000 Sabay Coins and 5 wall clocks
- 4th 500 Sabay Coins and 5 wall clocks
- All team members that join this tournament will get a nice T-shirt and Sabay calendar 2011
Prices For Shop
- Shop of winning team 5,000 Sabay Coins
- Shop of runner-up 2,500 Sabay Coins
- Shop of 3rd 1,500 Sabay Coins
If you have future questions with regards to the competition please contact our game support 023 22 8000 every working hour!
Sabay AK Team