Protect Card LV1After equipping , this card is able to increase your defense obviously. |
Jazz(Dance Card)The sparks of Jazz and the energetic spirits of Hip-Hop. has mad a lively combination for the trendy dancers on battlefield. After equip this card, player can recover 5 HP every second in game. |
Disco(Dance Card)Dance to show your personality. After equip this card, player can recover 5 HP every second in game. |
Moonwalk(Dance Card)Immerse yourself into the mysterious atmosphere of Moonwalk. the dance steps that enriched with both softness and strengths. suit the battlefield perfectly. After equip this card. player can recover 5 HP every second in game. |
Robot Dance(Dance Card)Soft movements and strong muscles are the basic of Popping dance. Don’t you want to give a try? After equip this card. player can recover 5 HP every second in game. |
Freestyle(Dance Card)Dance to show your freedom. After equip this card. player can recover 5 HP every second in game. |
Playing Dead(Dance Card)With both arms to your chest, and your head turned toward the ground. After equip this card, player can recover 5 HP every second in game. Use with Low-key Magnificence, better. |
Samba Dance(Dance Card)This is the Samba from football kingdom Brazil, eating, sleeping, watching football match. Playing AK and save your life, enjoy your game! After equip this card, player can recover 5HP every second in game. |
Nobody(Dance Card)The popular, energetic, and youthful choreography! Nobody can stay away from the hot trend of Nobody After equip this card. player can recover 5HP every second in game. |
Honor Card LV1After equip this card, you can gain extra 20% of honor values in every round, and this increase your level-up speed! |
Honor Card LV2After equip this card, you can gain extra 40% of honor values in every round, and this increase your level-up speed! |
Honor Card LV3After equip this card, you can gain extra 60% of honor values in every round, and this increase your level-up speed! |
Honor Card LV4After equip this card, you can gain extra 80% of honor values in every round, and this increase your level-up speed! |
Honor Card LV5After equip this card, you can gain extra 100% of honor values in every round, and this increase your level-up speed! |
Grenade Pack LV1After equip Grenade Pack LV1, you can bring 2 Grenades at the same time in game, thus you get advantages on strategy and firepower |
Grenade Pack LV2Activate the first 2 Grenade spare spaces. |
Small SpeakerCan speak to all Channels in current sever. |
Large SpeakerCan speak to all servers. |
Silver Card LV1After equip this card, you can gain extra 20% Silver rewards, and increase your speed of gaining money! |
Silver Card LV2After equip this card, you can gain extra 40% Silver rewards, and increase your speed of gaining money! |
Silver Card LV3After equip this card, you can gain extra 60% Silver rewards, and increase your speed of gaining money! |
Silver Card LV4After equip this card, you can gain extra 80% Silver rewards, and increase your speed of gaining money! |
Male Voice(Dolby)This card use for change your voice to Male and also have better icon. |
Female Voice(Dolby)This card use for change your voice to Female and also have better icon. |
Dolby 3D Sound(Dolby)3D effect engine will enhance the Dolby sound effects that you hear in the game. At the same time, the speaking player’s position will be displayed on Radar. |
Low-key MagnificenceRemove the surrounding effects, then you can concentrate on your dancing. It’s good to be low-key at battlefield. |
Rename CardBuy this card, no need to equip, directly use at Equip Inventory. The card will disappear as you used once. |
Technic Message InitializtionResets your statistices relatting to kills to zero(kill/death kills, headshot kills, melee, and special kills). |
Result InitializtionResets your record of wins/lose/draws to zero. |
Change Gender CardChanges your character’s gender to a member of the opposite sex. Be aware that your existing clothes will not be compatible with your new gender(cannot wear female clothes as a male and vice versa.) MUST BE SINGLE TO USE. |
Change Zone Message CardWhen used, you can change your address info which was previously entered during character creation. |
Hang-up Card LV1In Chatroom, many players are in Offline Mode, Points and Honor Value accumulate a lot. Under equal condition (same time and same popularity). the gained points are much more than other situations |
VIP CardAfter equip, you can get: more obvious speaker text, option of creating game room offers, Honor+50%, and a feature that let you exit the game anytime without deduting silver. |
C4 PliersAfter equip, increase speed on fix C4 and removed C4. |
Weapons Casting MachineCasting gold weapons’s essential item, casting one consume one. |
Large Weapons Casting MachineCasting gold weapons’s essential item, casting one consume one. |
Headshot Honor Card LV1After equip this card, you can gain extra honor values in headshot. |
Assault Bullet CardAfter equip this card, both of bullets and clips will increase. |
L-Machinegun Bullet CardAfter equip this card, both of bullets and clips will increase. |
Riot CardAfter equip this card, mine damage immunity, but only in the explosion mode and ghost mode take effect. |
Sub-Gun Bullet CardAfter equip this card, both of bullets and clips will increase. |
Sniper Bullet CardAfter equip this card, you can gain extra 60% Silver rewards, and increase your speed of gaining money! |
H-Machinegun Bullet CardAfter equip this card, both of bullets and clips will increase. |
Shotgun Bullet CardAfter equip this card, both of bullets and clips will increase. |
Artillery Bullet CardAfter equip this card, both of bullets and clips will increase. |
Pistol Bullet CardAfter equip this card, both of bullets and clips will increase. |
Bazooka Bullet CardAfter equip this card, both of bullets and clips will increase. |
Quick Switch Gun CardSwitch gun speedily, make your war experience become more enjoyable. |
Shout Large SpeakerCan speak to all Server, message will show up on the screen and available for scrolling. |
Quick Reload Bullet CardReload bullet quickly, make your war experience become more enjoyable. |
Tear Gas Protection CardWith this equipped, tear gas will not affect you. |
Mummy Anti-Stun CardMummies can hit F to gain a short anti-stun effect, allowing them to close the distance between human players, Has a cooldown time. |
Ghost Increase Speed CardThe card can increase the move speed of ghost in ghost mo |
Anti-Shock Shoes
After equipped, can jump from high place without damage.
Love Shout Speaker
Expose your passionate love by using this eye-catching Love Shout Speaker. Make your confession bravely! Message will show up on the screen and available for scrolling.
Double Drop Card LV1
After equip, the items drop will double, collecting items will be more easily!
The Earthcaller
This card only works in Mummy 2. After equiped, when you die you can choose to become The Earthcaller, a special mummy that can conjure highly toxic sandstorms.
Love of Crystal(Love Card)
Just go to Sabay Bar and click on opposite-sex player who also owned Love Card, and then click ‘Confess’ from the top right menu. After that, just wait for other agree. But no matter what the result will be, this card will dissapear after 1 time usage.
Sea Heart(Wedding Card)
When a player has this card in their inventory, they are able to create or enter a Sabay Cathedral. The requirements for marriage are:
1. Only a couple with an intimacy level of 10 can get married, and this couple must both possess their own Sea Heart to trigger the marriage process.
Yellow Rose(Divorce Card)
In personal inventory, use this card by following instructions. And then you and your partner
will officially break up. Wish you can find your true love soon. |
Lightning Protection Card
Reduce blinding effect. |
Registration Token
If the current event is on going continuous sign, you’ve accidentally missed a day. you can right click on retroactive recent absence, or to sign retroactive book. Note: It can not be retroactive today and the future day, nor it will not affect the Sign list. This item can only be used during the Sign Gift.
Wedding Invitation
A Wedding Invitation is needed to enter Sabay Cathedral(either creating your own or joining someone else’s). With this card in hand and while in Sabay Cathedral, the Invitation Card will function as an Hang-up Card. The Invitaion Card will generate EXP and Silver while you’re in the Sabay Cathedral. If you and your lover are in Sabay Cathedral and both of you equip this card. Intimate Rate will increase.
All Seasons Love(Fireworks)
These fireworks can only be used in the Sabay Cathedral. Once equipped, you’ll have the option to set them off in the Sabay Cathedral. This is best used to celebrate the marriage of a happy couple.
Untied Hearts
These fireworks can only be used in the Sabay Cathedral. Once equipped, you’ll have the option to set them off in the Sabay Cathedral. This is best used to celebrate the marriage of a happy couple.
Silver Card LV5
After equip this card, you can gain extra 100% Silver reward, and increase your speed of gaining money!
You have a chance to get a Golden M4A1 forever from this egg. Good luck!
Deform Protection Card
After equip, you will not be deformed by your teammates. But you also can be deformed by yourself.
Deform Recovery Card
After equip, the time of deformation will be shorter.
Assault Armor-Piercing Card
After equip, your Assault gun will weaken enemies armor.
Medical Bandage
Press “F” to use. After use , you can restore full HP. Just use it in PVE Mode, like G-Mission.
Grenade Pack LV3
Activate the first 3 grenade spare spaces.
Quick Occupy Card
After equip, it can increase your speed of occupying the strong hold.
Double Drop Card LV2
After equip, the items drop will 2.5 times, collecting items will be more easily!
Weapon Casting Machine
Collect Plastic, Metal, Gunpowder and Pulp, then use this machine. More stars, more days. And rare earth can improve the probability of getting High star weapon.
Hold “F” for along time to use. After use, you can restore 30% HP. Only can use its in PVE Mode like G-Mission.
Rare Earth Key
With this key, you can enter the Rare Earth War.
Silver Exchange Card
After use, you can get at least 20000 Silver, at most 1000000 Silver. Good Luck!
Sub-Gun Armor-Piercing Card
After equip, your Sub-Gun will weaken enemies armor.
Pistol Armor-Piercing Card
After equip, your Pistol gun will weaken enemies armor.