ការ update ថ្មីនេះបានបង្កើនភាពទាក់ទាញរួមទាំងបានបន្ថែមសម្ភារៈស្អាតៗ និងសព្វាវុធទំនើបៗអស្ចារ្យជាច្រើនទៀត ។ ចំនែកឯការ update ថ្មីនេះវិញនឹងធ្វើឡើងនៅថ្ងៃទី24 តុលា ឆ្នាំ2018 ។
- បញ្ចូល AK Gold ដើម្បីទទួលសព្វាវុធថ្មី
ចាប់ពី ថ្ងៃទី24 តុលា ដល់ថ្ងៃទី4 ខែវិច្ឆិកា ឆ្នាំ2018 បន្ទាប់ពីការ update នូវ version ទៅ រួចរាល់ហើយអ្នកកម្សាន្ដទាំងអស់អាចបញ្ចូល AK Gold ដើម្បីទទួលបានសព្វាវុធ និងសម្ភារៈពិសេសៗដូចខាងក្រោម៖

1. 200 AK Gold ទទួលបាន Devil King Axe(Melee) (30ថ្ងៃ)
2. 400 AK Gold ទទួលបាន Devil King’s Power(Backdress)(90ថ្ងៃ)
3. 600 AK Gold ទទួលបាន Spiderman(Dance Card)(30ថ្ងៃ)
4. 800 AK Gold ទទួលបាន Gun Soul Crystal(10000)(1)
5. 1200 AK Gold ទទួលបាន M82A1 Bullet Card(1000)
6. 1600 AK Gold ទទួលបាន Devil King 2x USP(Pistol)(30ថ្ងៃ)
7. 2400 AK Gold ទទួលបាន Devil Suit(M/F)(30ថ្ងៃ)
8. 3200 AK Gold ទទួលបាន Devil King Famas (Assault)(30ថ្ងៃ)
9. 3200 AK Gold ទទួលបាន 7Star Pet Package(1): ដែលពេលបើកអាចទទួលបានសត្វចិញ្ចឹមមួយក្នុងចំណោមសត្វចិញ្ចឹម3គឺ Sprite(Pet), Mackerel(Pet), Mockery(Pet)
10. រាល់ការបញ្ចូល400 AK Gold បន្ថែមនឹងទទួលបានបាន Heaven Star(Gun Soul) (1)
Starry Pack Pack(3days): ចុះតម្លៃ១០%លើតម្លៃសរុប នឹងទទួលបាន
(Starry(Assault), Starry Abyss(Slingshot), Starry Sky(Sub-Gun), Starry Fox(Backdress), Starry Bangle(Wristdress) និង (Starry Prince(M) or Starry Princess(F)) រយៈពេល3ថ្ងៃ
Starry Pack Pack(7days): ចុះតម្លៃ១០%លើតម្លៃសរុប នឹងទទួលបាន
(Starry(Assault), Starry Abyss(Slingshot), Starry Sky(Sub-Gun), Starry Fox(Backdress), Starry Bangle(Wristdress) និង (Starry Prince(M) or Starry Princess(F)) រយៈពេល7ថ្ងៃ
Starry Pack Pack((30days): ចុះតម្លៃ១០%លើតម្លៃសរុប នឹងទទួលបាន
(Starry(Assault), Starry Abyss(Slingshot), Starry Sky(Sub-Gun), Starry Fox(Backdress), Starry Bangle(Wristdress) និង (Starry Prince(M) or Starry Princess(F)) រយៈពេល30ថ្ងៃ

- Starry Bangle(Wristdress): Honor +20%, PVE HP+10
- Starry Fox(Backdress): Moving Speed +3%, Silver +100%, Honor +50%, Fall No Damage, Quick Switch Gun
- Starry Abyss(Slingshot): Full Power one shoot kill, Strong suppression, Steel ball hits instantly, Strong strain, Strong mobility, High steel ball Damage, Fast power storage, 10 cracked steel balls after killing, Caused by enemies in a wide range, Super high splash damage, Need to equip the slingshot ammunition card
- Starry Sky(Sub-Gun):High precision, Quick Reload, High Damage, Fast Fire Rate, MM1&2 damage increase, Increase damage for some PVE modes
- Starry(Assault): New tactical AR, Left button very Fast Fire Rate, High Armor-Piercing, Strong Stable, Strong Mobility, Open scope mode:, Extremely high damage, Strong tactical aggressive, Increase damage for some PVE modes
- Starry Prince(M) or Starry Princess(F): Honor +50%, Silver +50%, Dance Recover HP Speed 5%, Moving Speed +1%
VIP Store៖

- Cracker-Ray(Sniper) 8 stars: Future technology blessing, Through-Wall, Speed of Fire is very fast, Open Scope Speed is very fast, Quick Switch Gun, Quick Reload, Strong Armor-Piercing, Super high damage, High accuracy, The gun body is lighter, Super long range, Don’t Need Special Bullets, Exclusive special skills:, Hit the player will prompt, Kill alot player will recover HP, Hit the player to recover bullet, PVE mode Unlimited Backup Bullet.
New Honor Hall៖

- Twin Rainbow(Bow) 8 stars: Huang Zhong Soul, Never sell, Will not log in to the mall, Glory debut exclusive tips, The most powerful maneuvering bow, Exclusive incentive icon, Dead no Fall, Super high damage, Strong suppression, Arrow flying fast, Super strain capacity, High arrow damage, Fast power storage, Exclusive skill, double arrow:, Press “F” button to switch between, Yang Arrow and Burst Arrow
- Dysprosium(Grenade) 8 stars: Super high damage, Super high Armor-Piercing, Ultra high explosion range, Ultra Moving Speed , Double flight mode, Super long flight distance, Strong suppression, Special Explosive Attributes, Within the scope of the explosion can recover own and teammate HP, Increase damage for some PVE modes
- Together(Backdress): Moving Speed +3%, Silver +100%, Honor +50%, Fall No Damage, Quick Switch Gun
- M4A1- Dependant(Assault): Strong stability, Fast Fire Rate, Quick Reload, Strong mobility
- Ice-Cream(Dance Card) : Recover 5HP
ព្រឹត្តិការណ៍ផ្សេងៗក្នុង AK Online
ចាប់ពីថ្ងៃទី24 ខែតុលា ដល់ថ្ងៃទី18 ខែវិច្ឆិកា ឆ្នាំ2018 អ្នកកម្សាន្ដទាំងអស់គ្រាន់តែចូលកម្សាន្ដនឹងទទួលបានរង្វាន់ដូចខាងក្រោម៖

GM Kevin