ការ update ថ្មីនេះបានបង្កើនភាពទាក់ទាញរួមទាំងបានបន្ថែមសម្ភារៈស្អាតៗ និងសព្វាវុធទំនើបៗអស្ចារ្យជាច្រើនទៀត ។ ចំនែកឯការ update ថ្មីនេះវិញនឹងធ្វើឡើងនៅថ្ងៃទី12 មេសា ឆ្នាំ2020 ។
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ចាប់ពី ថ្ងៃទី12 មេសា ដល់ថ្ងៃទី25 មេសា ឆ្នាំ2021 បន្ទាប់ពីការ update នូវ version ទៅ រួចរាល់ហើយអ្នកកម្សាន្ដទាំងអស់អាចបញ្ចូល AK Gold ដើម្បីទទួលបានសព្វាវុធ និងសម្ភារៈពិសេសៗដូចខាងក្រោម៖

1. 200 AK Gold ទទួលបាន Fortune-Consumable gift box(Package) (30ថ្ងៃ), Honor Scroll *1,Lucky Star(Fragment) *100និង Space Treasure chest Free Coupon *1
2. 400 AK Gold ទទួលបាន Ghost Penesas(Dance Card)(30ថ្ងៃ),Honor Scroll *3និង Space Treasure chest Free Coupon *1
3. 600 AK Gold ទទួលបាន PVE Artifact Package Medical Bandage(*1),Honor Scroll *3 , + identification card x2និង Space Treasure chest Free Coupon *2
4. 800 AK Gold ទទួលបាន Anonymous(Bow) (30ថ្ងៃ),Honor Scroll *3និង Space Treasure chest Free Coupon *1
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6. 1600 AK Gold ទទួលបាន Code:Black goat(M/F) (60ថ្ងៃ),Honor Scroll *5 , Lucky Star(Fragment)*300 និង Space Treasure chest Free Coupon *2
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ចំណាំ : បន្ទាប់ពីលោកអ្នកធ្វើការបញ្ចូលគ្រប់ 4000 AK Gold ហើយ , រាល់ការបញ្ចូលបន្ថែម 400 AK Gold ពីលើនេះ លោកអ្នកនឹងអាចទទួលបាន Fortune-Bag(Package) *1

- Evo.(Shotgun)(8Start): Next-generation series|Special kill icon|High damage|10 projectiles per shot|Strong stability|Next-generation exclusive energy magazine|All-mode right-click to launch missiles
- Fortune-Bag(Package) : Fortune-Bag(Package) Open it to get Auspicious clouds (fragments) and one of the following items randomly:|Dew(Pet)*1|180Days/Permanent Meteor Star(DanceCard) | Bully-Demarcation(Skin)| Bully-River(Skin)|100M Point|200M Point|Gun Soul Crystal(5000) |Gun Soul Crystal(10000)
New Honor Hall៖

- Regulus-Summer(Rapid-Fire Machine Gun) : The Soul of the Yellow Emperor|Never Limited Sale|Won’t Log In to the Mall|Exclusive Tips for Glory Debut|Super High Damage|Super Fast Fire Rate|Super Long Range|Super Armor Piercing|Quick Switch Gun|Large Magazine Capacity|Excellent Stability | special kill icon | PVE recoilless | after the death of the owner does not fall | exclusive skills – the art of qi HUANG: | PVP hit 50 percent chance of additional | enemy maximum health 5% | maximum limit 50 | PVE hit 30% chance additional|The enemy’s maximum health value is 10%|Maximum
- Regulus-Sword(Melee) : Ultra-high damage|Large range of attack|Left-click two combos|Exclusive PVE skills -: Flying dragon in the sky|Right-click under PVE full charge|Can release powerful attack|Super far and wide range of AOE damage|Add Damage on some PVE Mode
- Inflammation Phoenix(Bazooka) : Switchable fire mode | rapid fire gun mode | extremely fast fire rate and strong explosive force | rocket launcher mode | super high damage and large explosion range | Add Damage on Some PVE Mode

- Bully-lucky bag(Package) : Get one of the following items after opening| Bully-Warriors(AR) (Permanent)| Bully-World(Melee) (Permanent)|Thunder Package LV3 (90 days)|Thunder Package LV3 (30 days)| Bully-Warriors(AR) (3 days) | Bully-World(Melee) (3 days)| Bully-Warriors(AR) (15 days)| Bully-World(Melee) (15 days)|10M points
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ចាប់ពីថ្ងៃទី12 ខែមេសា ឆ្នាំ2021ដល់ថ្ងៃទី09 ខែឧសភា ឆ្នាំ2021 អ្នកកម្សាន្ដទាំងអស់គ្រាន់តែចូលកម្សាន្ដនឹងទទួលបានរង្វាន់ដូចខាងក្រោម៖