The Fourth Round Qualify of Cambodian National Championship 2012 will use knockout tournament (16 or 32 teams, 5 players per team)
The registration will open on 1st September.
Do you think your team is strong enough to take this challenge?
“Schedule available here!”
The registration will start from 1st – 17th September on MYSABAY.COM and the preliminary round will start on 22nd – 23rd September.
The team position will be drawn at random on Friday 21st September at Battem Bong Province, Team Captains will draw a number that will represent the team and schedule place in the tournament.
- 1st Round elimination of 32 teams to 16 teams at ……….
- 2nd Round elimination of 16 teams to 8 teams at ………..
- 3rd Round elimination of 8 teams to 4 teams at ………..
- Semifinal of 4 teams to 2 teams at ……….
- Final at ……….
- Team leader must register on website by using Sabay account and fill all requirements especially team name and phone number. (Click here to Register!)
- Team leader must be pay 200 Sabay Coins to open a team for joining this competition
- After complete, team leader can invite other member by using account name and wait their acceptation
- team members must register account name to use during competition
- team members must be at tournament side on time to confirm participation (team must be complete for tournament check-in)
Game Setup
- Mode: Explosion
- Map: Dragon World
- Map Settings: Population = 10, Round Limit = 5; Limitation = Conventional only
There are 3 match and the team that won 2 match will be judging as the winner team:
- First Match: the winner team of toss coin will have a priority to select blue or red team
- Second Match: the winner and loser team will switch color sides
- Third Match: If can’t find the team winner after 2 matches, the last match will be raising up and the winner team of toss coin will have a priority to select blue or red team. In this match has only 3 rounds, if one team get one score, then both team will exchange the color.
Weapon Usable
- Main Weapon: Platinum AK47(Assault Rifle), AUG_A3, L85_A1, Shadow FN2000, Tar21(Assault Rifle), Silver M4A1(Assault Rifle), Wilderness G36(Assault Rife) and Famas(Assault Rifle).
- Sniper: AWP(Sniper), Green Soul Type 85, M14A1 and Camouflage AWP.
- Micro Punch: Tiger Elite MP5, BronzeUM P45(Micro Punch), P90(Sub-Gun),Frost Explosions(Shotgun) and PP2000(Micro Punch).
- Hand Gun: Desert Eagle, Mauser and M18 (Revolver)
- Grenade: Wood Handle Grenades, Type 82, CIS(Lightning Bomb) and M18(Fog Grenade).
- Melee Weapon: All
- Card: Protect Card LV1, Grenade Pack LV2, Low-Key Magnificence, Dance Card(Free dance, Thomas dance, Disco dance, No Body dance, Samba dance and Nation dance).
- Players can’t using or keeping phone during competition
- Players eliminate during the round can’t talk to other team members
- Eliminated players must remain in their seat and are not allowed to physically help team members (under punishment of expulsion)
- In case of matches that are interrupted by external failure (power lost to building, or Internet connection failure) leading to the termination of more then one player per team, the match will be re-played
- Using hacks or crack software is forbidden and players can bring their own Mouse or Keyboard
Prizes For Team
- Winning team: 100$, travelling, staying, food, and Special ticket to join 16 teams
- Winning team: 100$, travelling, staying, food, and Special ticket to join 16 teams
If you have future questions with regards to the competition please contact our game support 023 22 8000 every working hour!
AK Team